You’ve got a brilliant idea, but no clue how to turn it into a novel? Or maybe you’ve got a vague idea of the plot but you’re not sure how to create a structure with the protagonist at its heart? Novel Master Plan creates a foundation for your story and gives you a clear outline for your novel. This package saves you time and a lot of pain revising, making sure that your story has a purpose, shape and heart, and that the characters and events make sense.
We work together to ensure that your novel has a heart and legs to stand on. This package includes developing your protagonist’s arc and a plot with a strong narrative drive.
The Novel Master Plan package includes:
- A Master Plan for your novel and a detailed outlining tool to make sure your story is aligned with your protagonist’s arc of change
- 4 deadlines (timeline agreed upon in advance) with detailed personalised feedback for each story iteration
- One 90-min one-on-one Zoom call
- Additional tools and exercises (when applicable) to help you plan and develop your story and your characters
- A personalised graph of your story
- An accountability partner who will encourage, support and challenge you in outlining the best story possible
How it works
Novel Master Plan is a comprehensive outlining tool that lays the foundations of your novel by tapping into different building blocks for your story and your vision and motivation behind it. I’ll guide you as you outline your story and ensure that it’s aligned with your protagonist’s arc of change and has a strong narrative drive and cause-and-effect trajectory.
We’ll get to the heart of your story and create a clear outline for your story and your protagonist’s journey. Within four deadlines, you’ll get a roadmap for your novel with concrete next steps to move on.
We’ll address any details and questions in a 90-min Zoom call.